Discerning in the Face of COVID-19


There’s no doubt about it, we are amid a pandemic that has forced us to change the way we live. Whether we like it or not, we will soon come to the realization that certain changes are temporary while other changes will be permanent. At this point we are all overwhelmed with information, misinformation, worry, grief, stress and a whole host of feelings and emotions that have and will continue to take its toll on us as we get through this pandemic together. Yes, on several fronts we must get through this together as a community. 

In this time of unprecedented uncertainty, now more than ever we must utilize the skill of Discernment in order to see our way through this pandemic successfully. Discerning is how we act responsibly, rationally and appropriately for ourselves, our loved ones, our neighbors, our community-at-large and for our country. How do we do this? First, we need to understand what Discernment is and how it applies to this pandemic. 

Discernment is having the ability to sift through different types of information, constant adversity and potential threats in life while constantly making appropriate choices, rational judgments and proper decisions that will propel you forward with the steadfast purpose of improving one’s life and ultimately improving the world around you.

How appropriate that we must use Discernment to carry us through this pandemic. During this time, Discernment requires that we seek out facts, no matter how brutal they may be, and debunk myths about COVID-19. We do this by consulting reliable sources of information such as the World Health Organization, government officials, healthcare organizations and professionals on the front lines of this pandemic. 

In addition, we must learn how to practice social distancing and use our time at home wisely instead of spending that time trying to live the way we did before the pandemic. You see, a big part of Discerning during this time means that we develop realistic expectations about our lives going forward. Some of us already lost jobs and loved ones from this virus, so we already know that life will not be the same as we knew it. Many of us will have to adjust finances and manage children in ways that we have not done so before. Therefore, the changes that are upon us must not be viewed as inconveniences but as realities that must be confronted. Hanging on to a false belief that life will go completely back to ‘normal’ is not a rational response to the current situation. 

The rational response is to use Discernment as a tool to help you navigate this new normal by continuing to seek out salient facts and new developments about the virus while using your time to implement changes that will help you and your family adjust to your new environment. Here are a few examples that you should consider:

  1. Schedule reading time with you and your children – what a great time to read with your children or explore reading and writing for at least 30 minutes a day to encourage your children to read or write about what’s on their minds. You can even write out goals as a family or have a vision board party to wrap up the end of the week. The reading and writing opportunities are endless.

  2. Cook meals with your children – now is a great time to have bonding time with your family through meal preparation. And while everyone is in the kitchen, you can have conversations and play verbal games that add an extra layer of fun to your family gatherings.

  3. Break out the board games – another great idea is to put down the cell phones, iPads, tablets and other electronics and opt for more traditional bonding by playing cards, scrabble or other board games that you haven’t played in years with your family.

  4. Workout together at home – Instead of going out to run that 5k you’ve been running everyday with your friends, find that jump rope in the garage and jump rope with your kids. This is an excellent way to get in your cardio regimen and you can do it inside the home or in your backyard instead of going to the park or other public places that would violate social distancing.

  5. Map out your next professional move – If you lost your job or you can see a change in careers due to this pandemic, schedule time for you to map out a realistic plan for how you will approach your next job. Whether seeking jobs on-line or seeing what industries will need more workers or even writing down skills that you possess that are now marketable in booming industries, take time each day to focus on an action plan that you will utilize to come back stronger when the situation gets better.

  6. Use social media sparingly – while social media has now become the preferred method of communication during this time, please use it from a position of Discernment. In other words, be responsible and understand that there is much misinformation being touted through social media. Social media should not be your only source of information for anything, especially during this time. It should be used sparingly with specific goals in mind that are in align with your purpose. 

  7. Do not buy more food than you need – Stocking up on food or items that you do not need is you acting out of fear. If we continue to act out of fear, we do the opposite of Discerning. That is, we are not acting rationally, responsibly and appropriately. We also hurt others by depriving others of needed food and supplies and we certainly do not want that. Discernment requires that you make decisions for yourself and your loved ones, but not at the expense of others. Therefore, if you are Discerning, you are not buying more food that you actually need. 

  8. Stay connected – stay connected with family, friends and if you can help others from a distance, please do so. A pandemic can make people feel helpless due to the imposed restrictions. However, do not ever underestimate the power of a phone call, text or video call. We all need each other and there are ways we can help keep each other’s spirits up as we Discern and practice social distancing. 

These are just some of the ways you can make it through this pandemic successfully by using the skill of Discernment as a guiding principle. The goal is to get through this pandemic by Discerning as you seek to improve your life and those around you. Discerning encourages responsible behavior and takes you out of the mindset that this pandemic is nothing but doom and gloom. We must be stronger than the adversity we face, and we become stronger if we use our internal guides such as our ability to Discern to help us through this crisis.