Who Ever Said We Were All In The Same Boat?


As we continue to experience a level of uncertainty, mental fatigue, frustration and a whole host of emotions and feelings surrounding COVID-19, we must ride the wave of our current situation while living as best we can under the circumstances. We must do this, and still focus on maintaining a positive outlook for ourselves, our loved ones and, hopefully, for the world. 

Speaking of riding the wave, I came across a popular post about COVID-19 last week that spread across the social media circuit like wildfire. The post commented that although we are all in the same storm (i.e., the current pandemic), we are not all in the same boat. The post targeted the statement I’ve been hearing almost every day and that statement is: ‘We are all in this together!’ 

The post expressed frustration over this statement and sought to clarify that not all of us are going through the pandemic in the same manner. In other words, some of us are experiencing greater hardships than others. And while I, as well as most of us, can agree on that point, the problem I have with the post is that it used such a positive statement meant to unite us as a country, and positioned it to criticize at the expense of making a  point and focusing on our differences. Unfortunately, therein lies the major problem with humanity—focusing on the negative and not the positive; a problem that has existed from the beginning of time and continues to rear its ugly head at the most inconvenient time...this time during a pandemic. 

I’m sure the intent of the post was a good one, but here’s the thing: The statement ‘We are all in this together’ is a statement meant to underscore the reality that we are all going through struggles as a result of COVID-19. But of course we are going through different struggles; we are all unique and different people dealing with different life situations. But let’s be clear, the phrase was meant to unite us as a country, not divide us as individuals. At the same time, this phrase is not synonymous with the phrase ‘We are all in the same boat’ nor was the intent to conclude or otherwise imply that we are all experiencing the pandemic the same way. 

Despite the fact that we are all unique and are experiencing life and its twists and turns differently, this post resonated with many and was shared often. The post was rather emotionally-charged and you could feel the frustration as you read the words. But as I say often, leading with our emotions tends to take us into places we didn’t intend to go. That is why Discernment is often the necessary tool for us to utilize for the protection of ourselves and for others. 

The person who wrote the post could have easily pointed out that we are going through this pandemic differently by simply explaining that we are going through different struggles. If that were the tone of the post, everyone would have understood the need to make this point clear. However, there was no need to take a positive statement and turn it into a negative by picking it apart. Unfortunately, it is often easier for human beings to tear apart rather than to build-up. Whether in good times or bad, there will be those who are quick to point out our shortcomings and ignore our positive attributes. Even worse, many of us seek to divide and conquer rather than to uplift and unite. 

The fact of the matter is, I don’t need to be in the same boat as you in order to know that you are struggling. And if I see that you are struggling, I can certainly acknowledge your struggle while offering encouragement, hope, compassion and kindness, just to name a few things. I find it troubling that anyone would use a positive sentiment, regardless of who is making the statement, to make a point to almost chastise, when the intent of the phrase was meant to acknowledge one and all. One thing I do know is that we all want to be acknowledged, respected, and heard. So guess what? By saying ‘we are all in this together,’ I am saying: I can hear your pain; I acknowledge that we have differences, but I can still find commonalities in our different struggles. 

Listen, we are in a pandemic. Yes, all of us! This is something that virtually none of us ever experienced before. Therefore, we need to focus on the commonalities, not the differences. And while I respect and receive the message that we are all going through this pandemic differently, those differences do not mean that we cannot offer each other some type of help in some way, shape or form by way of encouragement, prayer, compassion, kindness, and certainly through words of comfort and healing.  

I also understand that some of us may not receive or invite that type of help, especially if it doesn’t include some type of monetary assistance. And that is your right as well. So then let us agree to disagree without making this pandemic even more painful than it is and continues to be. 

So, as we continue to go through this pandemic, if by chance you hear me say ‘we are all in this together,’ rest assured I am not implying that we are all in the same boat. Rather, I am offering to you what I can to encourage, uplift, unite, motivate, and console. I also offer a message of hope in what may seem hopeless. So, no, we are not all in the same boat, but I can tell you that my Hope is for your boat to make it safely to shore just as I Hope mine does too. And for that reason, I believe ‘we are all in this together.’